Alternate Catalytic Converter Metals In Cars Using Nanoparticles

Greenhouse and other hazardous gas levels are rising in the atmosphere, many gases of which can be attributed to car emissions. The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) estimates that over 75% of the carbon monoxide produced has come from cars. In cars, catalytic converters are responsible for converting hazardous gases into less harmful gases. However, the metals used in these catalytic converters: platinum, palladium and rhodium, have been found to be expensive and relatively inefficient. This research paper has proposed novel nanomaterial metals which could act as a substitute for the current metals used. Nanomaterial metals were studied due to the high surface areas of their particles, this being identified as a factor which could increase the efficiency of the conversions in the catalytic converters. The trends exhibited by the current metals in catalytic metals were used to identify other metals with similar properties, all of which were more cost-efficient compared to the traditional metals used.
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Vanshika Prajapati